♥ 5 Tips for Revision ♥

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So today I thought seen as most people have just started their GCSE's and I'm along them unfortunately so I thought I would share some tips and tricks that I have used in the passed weeks running up to the start of my exams.

1. Prioritize. Hopefully by now you have your head around when each of your exams are so revise for them in order. For example my last exam is Further Maths so I know I'm not revising that as much as something like RE because that is my first exam. Make sure you don't forget to revise for the exams you have first.

2. Be organized. I know this is something everyone says but honestly since trying to be a lot more organized on the run up to exams I have been so much more productive and got so much more done.

3. Turn off your phone. I know this one for me is hard so I actually give my phone to my parents while revising so I don't get distracted, I know how easy it can be to sit on YouTube or Instagram but don't. You will feel so much better of being productive then being sat on your phone for hours.

4. Do short revision sessions. Do short sharp shocks of revision as it will be more productive to do an short intensive 30 minutes than a long 2 hour dragged out sessions where you get bored and side tracked.

5. Take a break. If you want to have a night off go and do it. Don't make your whole life about revision.

So I hope this helped I don't really ever do posts like this so I hope you enjoyed it.
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