☼ Fruit Water Recipes ☼

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With summer hopefully around the corner I thought I'd share with you some fruit waters that I have tried out in the past few days. I love fruit water because it is so important to stay hydrated especially when the sun comes out and adding fruit to your water can just make it a bit more tasty and pleasant.

First up we have the classic lemon and lime water which is so yet simple but probably one of the best the lemon gives it such a sour taste but it's so good for your digestive system and really detoxes your system. But the lime just perfectly counterbalances the lemon for an overall yummy drink.
Next we have the Lime and Strawberry which is another one that I really enjoyed you don't yet a lot of taste from the strawberries if you drink it as soon as you make it. So I'd definitely recommend if you're going to make this one that you make it the night before you want to drink it. Also the nutrients from the strawberries can really help reduce bloating and the limes reduce risk of heartburn. 
The lemon and blueberry really wasn't my favourite as I really couldn't anything from the blueberries I tried it directly after making the water and then also I made this water and let it sit overnight. But I could only taste the lemon which I find too bitter to drink by itself.
And my personal favourite is definitely the Lime, Lemon and Strawberry water. I love this one because it has the perfect taste from the lemon and lime water from the perfect sour and sweet balance. But them when you get the strawberry taste over the top. It is a match made in heaven. Again one you need to make the night before but it's definitely worth it.

So that's the four recipes I tried I do enjoy making these little mixes and I hope you try some of them out. I did mention some of the benefits in this post but if you want to look it depth a bit more definitely just google it there's loads of information. So I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see you next week.
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