☼ My New Favourite Lush Combination ☼

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So today I'm going to be sharing my current favourite Lush combination I'm not joking I am obsessed with this combo. So obsessed that I currently own 6 Blackberry bath bomb and 4 The Comforter bubble bars. I think I may have a problem. I have tried both of these products separately but it never clicked to try them together until my friend's mum bought me the Blackberry black bomb and I bought a comforter for myself. That day was the magical moment that I realised that these were a match made in heaven and I haven't looked back since.

Anyway that's enough ranting about Lush products for one day, so I hope you enjoyed and I will see you next week. But just before I do go can we talk about how pretty this Comforter is, yes I am that sad person you see in the shop digging to the bottom of the pile to find the prettiest one :) 
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