♥ The Magical Orlando Tag ♥

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So today I'm going to be doing the magical Orlando tag that I actually found on Ellie's blog. Who I have recently become obsessed with on YouTube as she does loads of Disney inspired videos and captures her Disney trips via vlog. So if you're looking for a new YouTuber definitely check her out here. So without further ado let's get on with the questions.

Which Hogwarts house would you be sorted into?
I actually took the sorting hat quiz and was placed in Hufflepuff. Which I'm personally fine with, I know lots of people want to be in Griffindor but little Hufflepuff is good enough for me :)

Name a Disney character you’d like to have dinner with?
This is a tricky one (I've been sat here trying to narrow it down for about 10 minutes) as there's so many to choose from. But probably I'd have to go with Mickey just because we must never lose sight that it all started with a mouse.

Which Marvel superhero power would you choose?
I would definitely go with Mystique as who wouldn't want the power to be a shape shift?

If you could bring back one dinosaur breed from Jurassic Park, which would it be?
I've actually never seen either of the Jurassic films just because it's not really my thing I'd rather be watching Inside Out or Harry Potter.

You can ride a dragon at the Triwizard Tournament and visit the Owlery at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but where else would you go on a school trip to Hogsmeade?
When in Hogsmeade one must simply go to the There Broomsticks for a Butter Beer and pop into Honeydukes for a chocolate frog and Berty Bot's every flavour beans.

A scene in any Disney, Harry Potter or Marvel movie you wish you could experience?
I would love to experience the lantern scene in Tangled where they sing I see the light in the boat. It's so cute and romantic. Speaking of I see the light if you have't seen Carrie and Pete's cover you need to go and watch it here. It's the cutest thing I think I've ever seen.

Name one item from any Harry Potter, Disney or Marvel movie would you want for Christmas?
I would definitely want Harmione Granger's wand as it's definitely my favourite wand out of all the characters and I was actually going to buy one while I was in Harry Potter World. However they are quite expensive and the wands in London don't actually do anything whereas the ones in Orlando are actually interactive.

Name one unforgettable experience/moment you’ve had at the Orlando Parks?
I actually haven't been the Orlando parks since I was six but one very fond memory was when I went on Splash Mountain and my mum actually came on with us. This was such a surprise as my mum is terrified of all rides. Well when we came off we looked at the picture it was hilarious my mums face was such a picture.

Well that's it for The Magical Orlando Tag I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next week. 
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