♥ American Candy ♥

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Recently the lovely team over a Taffy Mail sent me one of there Lite boxes to try out. This contains 4 to 5 treats and costs £7.49 but you can get 10% with the code CLH10, however this does expire in 3 months time.

So I'm going to go over my likes and dislikes from the box I got sent.

My winner for the sweets was very easy to pick as they were definitely the Swedish fish they were different to what I first imagined as I thought they would be a similar consistency to Haribo's but they are a lot small and less chewy which I prefer as sometimes Haribo's can leave my teeth feeling really sore.

Next in the rankings would be the Caramel Apple Pops as it did have a nice flavour and didn't make the roof of my mouth feel sore as some lollipops can do. I thought the flavour was nice and quite original and something you wouldn't really see in a shop here in England.

The Twizzlers was definitely not for me I just don't like liquorice typed sweets I think they just taste weird. 
My favourite out of the chocolate pieces was a lot harder top chose than the sweet favourite as I did love them all but if I did have to pick a standout it would be the Mint with Dark chocolate M&M's they taste like After Eights which are one of my favourite Sweet Treats. 

Of course the White Reese's were a good one as I already love Reese's products but Reese's Pieces do have to be the winner from that brand. 

The 5th Avenue was a nice chocolate bar however it wasn't anything special that I had hoped for. 

So that's my overview of the box I was sent I hope you enjoyed reading and it gave you some inspiration to pick up a box for yourself. 

This box was very kindly gifted by the company but this post is not sponsored and all my opinions are my own 
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