♥ What's in my College bag ♥

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Today I thought I'd share with you what I have in my college bag. As I really didn't know what I needed to get when I started college was I thought sharing what I use might help someone.
Firstly I have have books for the day so I actually have one of these Pukka Pads for each subjects I have taken which are English literature, Mathematics and History. I would recommend for anyone for people going into A level to get a book like this for each subject to take to college then you don't have to take your binder to college everyday.
Next I have my pencil case which is where I have everything from my graphical calculator to highlighters, pens and pencils.
I also have a folder for any hand outs then they don't get lost and I also have my Othello book as it's my set text for my English Literature course.
I also take my lunch to college, my college ID, my planner to keep me organised, my keys, earphones (essential for free periods) and my purse just in case study periods get that boring and we take an impromptu trip to Costa.

That's all I have in my college bag and I hope you have enjoyed my college posts let me know if you would like any more. I'll see you next week.
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