♥ My Month in Photos: August 2015 ♥

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So another month has passed and it's time for another "My Month in Photos". This month I don't have as many photos as I was on a cruise for half of the month with no wifi. But I hope you enjoy this anyway.
1. A beautiful sunset from the boat.

2. The view of Corsica from my Grandma's balcony. 

3. A little thank you to all my friends that I missed while I was away.

4. My and my brother on the last black tie night.

5. The leaning tower of Pisa was beautiful.

6. Another picture of me and my brother on the cruise.

7. My mum and I at dinner one of the nights. 

8. My mum, My Grandma and I just as we were setting off.

9. The beautiful sky back at home.
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