♥ Mental Health ♥

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So recently I have been seeing a lot more information cropping up about Mental Health. My friend Claire and I were talking about the topic a few days ago. We were saying how people use the words "depressed" and anxious so loosely and for such stupid things. As a person that suffers with anxiety I wouldn't wish any mental illness on my worst enemy and some people don't understand how much a mental illness can mess up your life. Anxiety isn't being nervous about speaking in front of thousands of people it's the fact all the time feeling anxious about everything and struggling to do the simplest of things. I can't explain and people with anxiety will know having that doubt in the back of your head every minute of the day that something is going to go wrong. Which is why I get so upset when I hear phrases like "I'm depressed because I forgot my earphones and I have to walked home without any music". Okay I understand if your upset but to say your depressed is a completely different thing. People are dying because of depression and your almost making fun of the topic on social media. Depression is a serious mental illness that can seriously mess up your life and the lives of the people around you. You can not get Depression from forgetting your earphones.
Or if someone says "I'm anxious because I didn't buy the top I wanted". you can't get a mental illness from not buying a top. I know people that are too anxious to go and buy the top and have often not bought something because they were too nervous to go to the till alone. Or approach a section of a store because there is a sales assistant which stops them buying the things they want an need. The thing that people don't understand is how little everyday things can really get to you when you have Anxiety. Like I have friends without Anxiety that really don't understand why I overthink everything and why I can't dot he stupid little things on a everyday basis and why I have that doubt about everything in the back of my head. If you don't have a mental illness don't judge the people that do.

The social stigma that surrounds mental illness is huge but I don't understand why because actually 1 in 4 people will suffer a with a Mental Illness throughout their life. Which if you don't suffer with a Mental Illness someone close to you will and if you don't know anyone with a Mental Illness it probably means that they haven't told you about it as it's proven that most people that are dealing with a Mental Illness are more scared of overcoming the stigma than actually overcoming the Mental Illness itself. Which is crazy because the stigma is created by us as human beings. We all acknowledge that Mental Health is here however the thing we aren't doing is talking about it. An amazing man called Kevin Breel put it like this "When we break our arm everyone runs forward to sign the cast but when we say we have Depression everyone runs the over way". And as Jack Harris said in this amazing video "Mental Health disabilities are an illness not a weakness they are an issue not an identity its okay to be suffering from a mental illness but its not okay not to talk about it because then we achieve nothing".

We shouldn't be scared of Mental Illnesses we should be talking about them. Not using them as an excuse and not using them in stupid situations. I challenge to talk to someone or to talk to your family and friends about Mental Illnesses we need to spread the word. Mental Health is a thing so why don't we address it ?

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