❄ Day 6 of 12 Days of CLHMakeup: My Top 10 Lush Products ❄

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Today I'm going to share with you my personal 10 favourite Lush products seen as Christmas is quickly approaching I thought this might be good for some gift ideas. So let's get into the products.
1. Sakura bath bomb - A beautiful cherry blossom scented bomb this doesn't leave any colour in your bath but definitely leaves an amazing smell.
2. Tisty Tosty bath bomb - I feel like this is one of Lush's prettiest bath bombs as it's packed with flower buds that float acround your bath and it smells like a flower garden.
3. Big Blue bath bomb - I didn't actually try this one till quite recently when one of my friends gifted it to me but it's an amazing bomb. It fills your bathroom with the scents of the sea and it's oacked with sea weed that really benefits your skin.
4. Blackberry bath bomb - I've spoke about this particular bomb many times as it is definitely up there with my absoulute favourite bath bomb. It's so calming, smells gorgeous and goes perfectly with Comforter bubble bar.
5. Creamy Candy bubble bar - This is such a moistrising bubble bar and matches perfectly with the Butterball bath bomb with the gorgeous scents of vanilla.
6. Comforter bubble bar - This is actually the first product I actually ever purchased from Lush and it's still definitely my favourite bubble bar. It smells so fruity, creates the best bubbles and it turns your water pink.
7. You've Been Mangoed bath oil - This bath oil scented with Mango and Avocado leaves the skin feeling so luxurious, just drop in a running bath sit back and let the oil do all the work.
8. MMMelting Marshmallow Moment bath oil - With the same effect as the You've Been Mangoed bath oil except this bath oil is scented marshmallow and coconut for someone with a little bit more of a sweet tooth.
9. So White shower gel - This shower gel is inspired by the So White bath bomb that comes come at Chirstmas so this is an Lush.co.uk exclusive but it's worth making an order just for this shower gel because it smells like fresh apples.
10. Comforter shower cream - And our final product is The Comforter shower cream, which smells amazing and because it's a shower cream it leaves your skin feeling so soft.

So that's it for My Top 10 Lush Products I hope you enjoyed and it gave you some ideas on what to try next. See you soon.
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