❄ Blogmas Day 15: My Winter Skincare Routine ❄

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I thought I'd share with you an updated Skincare Routine, of course I had to take the pictures in front of the Christmas tree. It hasn't changed much since the last one but a few tweaks I thought I would share.

1. I find taking my makeup of is a lot easier with the Ganier Micellar water especially with eye makeup. I have swapped to the version for Combination + sensitive skin and seems to be working well with my skin.

2. One of my tried and trued products in the Neutrogena Visiably Clear Pink Grapefruit Facial Wash, my face freaks out when I don't use this. I have a back up I'm that scared of running out of this. 

3. One thing I've added to my routine is the Neutrogena Visiably Clear Pink Grapefruit Daily Scrub, which is helping with my spots so much.

4. If you've read my previous skincare routines you'll know I used the Simple rich moisturiser however I found this was just too heavy for my skin so I decided to swap to the light one and my skin has really thanked me since.

That's it for my Winter Skincare routine it's very simple but it works for me and my skin is a lot happier now I use these products.
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