❄ Blogmas Day 21: The Christmas Tag ❄

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Seen as it's nearly Christmas I thought I would do the Christmas tag so here we go:

What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
There's so many to chose from but I would have to narrow it down to Home Alone, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and of course Love Actually.

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? 
Definitely Christmas Morning always in the comfort of a Christmas onesie and eating loads of Christmas chocolates.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I can't really remember this but my family also remind me of this. When I was two I stole my brothers chocolate santa and ate it all behind the sofa, we laugh about it every Christmas.

Favourite Christmas Food?
Definitely Christmas dinner, its just special and I love the pigs in blankets seen as you can only find them around Christmas time.

Favourite Christmas Gift?
My favourite Christmas gift is always been the Baby Annabelle even though I don't have it anymore I always love the story as I must have gone upstairs and the baby was crying so my brother just took the batteries out. It always makes me laugh.

Favourite Christmas Scent?
Definitely the smell of the Christmas tree, I recently bought a candle form Next that smells exactly like one.

Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We don't have exact traditions but its family night we watch Christmas films and eat lots of yummy food.

What tops your tree?
Always the same angel when we were little dad used to lift us up to the top and place the angel on. However as we've got older and a lot heavier we now have to stand on a chair and put it on.

As a kid what was the one present you asked for but never got?
I don't really remember wanting a present that I never got when I was little.

What's the best part of Christmas for you?
I love catching up with all the friends and family that you haven't seen for a while. 

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